Landscaping Rebates for Homeowners in Miami Dade County

Miami-Dade County offers landscaping rebates to homeowners who complete irrigation retrofits and other landscape projects that reduce water use and improve efficiency. The county offers free inspections to residents, large condominium owners, and some business park owners and provides an irrigation evaluation on-site. Once you complete the recommended projects, you’ll be eligible for a rebate through the county. Here we’ll break down their recommendations, rebate structure, and tips on irrigating effectively.

Rebate Amounts for Irrigation Retrofits

Depending on the recommendations of the evaluation, you’ll have options for irrigation retrofits. Here is the breakdown of landscaping rebates available for different types of irrigation retrofits.

  • Rain sensor purchase and installation – $12
  • Soil moisture sensor or ET controller purchase and installation – $40
  • Removal of obstructive irrigation, or relocation of sprinklers – $20
  • Installation of drought-tolerant plants in combination with removal of irrigation – $40
  • Irrigation restructure to create hydro zones – $40
  • Installation or modification of multi-stream and multi-trajectory nozzles – $40
  • Micro-irrigation installation in ornamental plant areas – $40
  • Converting mechanical systems to digital or electric – $50
  • Installation and purchase of an irrigation sub-meter – $10
  • Installation and purchase of a rainwater collection system – $40
  • Other water conservancy measures as determined by UCU – per case basis

Changes to Improve Irrigation Efficiency

We recommend making the following changes to your landscaping to improve irrigation efficiency. You’ll reduce your water bill while helping your local ecosystem thrive.

Replace Mechanical Timers

Mechanical timers are inefficient, use up lots of energy, and don’t give you any control over irrigation measures. Upgrading to a digital timer will put the control back in your hands and help save natural resources.

Install an Irrigation Control Device

Irrigation control devices monitor moisture and keep you from overwatering and irrigating when not necessary. Try these devices to reduce outdoor water use up to 72%.

  • Rain Sensor
  • Soil Moisture Sensor
  • ET Controller

Multi-Stream Multi Trajectory Nozzles

Balance your sprinkler system with multi-stream and multi-trajectory nozzles to cover more space in your zones and use less water.

Multi-Stream Multi Trajectory Nozzles

Balance your sprinkler system with multi-stream and multi-trajectory nozzles to cover more space in your zones and use less water.

Start Micro Irrigating

Micro-Irrigation systems such as drip tubing, micro-bubblers, micro-sprays, and drippers apply water directly to plant roots. This style of irrigation controls water use, and delivers the water at a very slow rate, but is the most efficient both for costs and water waste reduction.

Redesign your Irrigation System Based on Plant Water Needs – Hydrozones

Different types of plants have different water needs. Place plants with the same needs in the same zones, and restructure your irrigation system around them. No more overwatering one plant while drying out another.

Do not hesitate to call Lucky Landscaping at 561-779-4127 and we will gladly make an appointment to discuss your garden needs and give you a quotation for the work.